20+10 online(e-learning) Hours. 10 hours on-road lessons. The Driver's Licence History (DLH) provides proof of successful completion of and graduation from a BDE course and BDE graduates with a DLH are eligible for an insurance discount.
special offer $50 OFF
20+10 online(e-learning) hours. 10 hours on-road lessons. The Driver's Licence History (DLH) provides proof of successful completion of and graduation from a BDE course and BDE graduates with a DLH are eligible for an insurance discount.Use instructor's car for road test(In City) Special $50 off
30 hours in class, 10 hours home link. 10 hours on road lessons.The Driver's Licence History (DLH) provides proof of successful completion of and graduation from a BDE course and BDE graduates with a DLH are eligible for an insurance discount.
Save $35 and use instructor's car for the road test.
Save $20 when for only 4 on Road lessons.
Use instructor's car for the roadtest and receive one on road lesson before test
Use instructor's car for the road test and receive one on road lesson before test.
Save $10 on opting this package and receive on road practice before test.
Pay $40 every time you are provided with on road lesson.